Monday, March 30, 2020

Isolation by Joy Division

In fear every day, every evening,
He calls her aloud from above,
Carefully watched for a reason,
Painstaking devotion and love,
Surrendered to self preservation,
From others who care for themselves.
A blindness that touches perfection,
But hurts just like anything else.

Isolation, isolation, isolation.

Mother I tried please believe me,
I'm doing the best that I can.
I'm ashamed of the things I've been put through,
I'm ashamed of the person I am.

Isolation, isolation, isolation.

But if you could just see the beauty,
These things I could never describe,
These pleasures a wayward distraction,
This is my one lucky prize.

Isolation, isolation Isolation



Dan Tschirhart said...

Yes this isolation thingy is rather strange

Now I never really got into Joy Division, it was a bit too dark and dreary for me

The freak forest clan were avid fans, at least some of them

~ for I remember the name on t-shirts and leather jackets in high school

And the lead singer killed himself on the eve of their 1980 tour - sad

So then the band reformed under the name New Order

I never really liked them either, but kudos for not giving up

Aaron said...

This song sounds like it was an improv song. Like some dude turned on his casio and then another dude came in and started making up lyrics with no idea how a melody would go. I guess if you are a very fat fuck from freak Forrest this could be appealing. But for me- not so much. Sad that he killed himself. That’s never fun. And yes, good for them for not giving up. I respect anyone who is motivated enough to record music and try.
And yes. Isolation is no fun. Oh sure, it’s a novel thing for a couple weeks. Change things up. Get some good viral videos made. But in the long term we are gonna see some serious space maddness. Like some real coveting of ice cream bars.

Dan Tschirhart said...

~ and glazed ham