Sunday, September 13, 2020

Lullaby of Birdland by Sarah Vaughan

 Lullaby of Birdland, that's what I

Always hear when you sigh
Never in my wordland
Could there be ways to reveal
In a phrase how I feel

Have you ever heard two turtle doves
Bill and coo when they love?
That's the kind of magic
Music we make with our lips when we kiss

And there's a weepy old willow
He really knows how to cry
That's how I'd cry in my pillow
If you should tell me farewell and goodbye

Lullaby of Birdland whisper low
Kiss me sweet and we'll go
Flyin' high in Birdland
High in the sky up above
All because we're in love



Aaron said...

this song was one of the songs Melissa used to sing when she would do gigs in Santa Fe in college. it's one of the reasons I fell head over heals in love. She used to know every song in the big book of jazz. those were fun days. I like birds. we have a family of Doves that have built a nest in our porch. but they shit everywhere so i think Birdland would only be fun in theory. in actuality it would be messy and smell rancid. Also, some people are afraid of birds which has never made any sense to me.

Dan Tschirhart said...

A friend of mine in college was afraid of birds

This never made any sense to me either, but if sharks could fly, I'd be right there with her

Now birds usually fly away when you get too close, but even birds feeding in the distance was too much for her

She was screaming all over campus, it's a good thing she wasn't afraid of squirrels

CSU campus was fllled with birds and squirrels as far as the eye could see

My Dad has always been a big fan of birds and even has a bird chart on his fridge

He's marked every bird he's seen for the last 40+ years

It's cool to sit on the deck up at the mountain house and watch all the birds come to feed

Hummingbird season is exquisite

They're beautiful, territorial bastards

They're so cool, but they are jerks to each other up in the hills

Plus the mating ritual of the hummingbird is hilarious

You should check out 'True Facts : the hummingbird warrior' - it's brilliant

Birdland sounds fun, because you're in love

Perhaps that allows you to forget about the smelly bird poop