Monday, September 16, 2019

My Best Friend's Girl by The Cars

you're always dancing down the street
with your suede blue eyes
and every new boy that you meet
he doesn't know the real surprise

here she comes again
when she's dancing 'neath the starry sky
she'll make you flip
here she comes again
when she's dancing 'neath the starry sky
you kinda like the way she dips
she's my best friend's girl
she's my best friend's girl
and she used to be mine

you've got your nuclear boots
and your drip dry glove
and when you bite your lip
it's some reaction to love 


Aaron said...

Sad. I had no idea ric ocasik died. This is one of my favorite songs by the Cars. I love the hand clapping rhythm. He was a tall skinny ugly dude and when I was very young I used to get him mixed up with the ramons cuz they too were tall skinny and ugly. I also had one of his solo cassettes which was also quite rad. I shall mourn his passing. Sad indeed.

Dan Tschirhart said...

Sadness - we lost another music man

He was an eccentric looking fellow, but he made it work to his advantage

He married a model after all

I think 'Magic' was probably my favorite Cars song

I didn't know that he produced Weezer's first 3 or 4 albums

And everyone in the band absolutely adored him, said he was one of the nicest, down to earth guys in the biz

He was definitely one of the faces of New Wave in the 80's

Waz played their music a lot, some could argue too much, but that's another discussion