Thursday, May 21, 2020

You Better Go Now by Billie Holiday

You better go now
Because I like you much, too much

You have a way with you
You ought to know now
Just why I like you very much
The night was gay with you

There's the moon above
And it gives my heart a lot of swing
In your eyes there's love
And the way I feel it must be spring

I want you so now
You have lips I love to touch
You better go now
You better go, because
I like you much, too much

There's the moon above
And it gives my heart a lot of swing
In your eyes there's love
And the way I feel it must be spring

I want you so now
You have lips I love to touch
You better go now
You better go, because
I like you much, too much
You better go, because
I like you much, too much 



Aaron said...

Billie holiday songs like an inebriated cat. She is sly and sassy and slides about with an evil smile. Nobody in the world sang like her. She was the first of her kind. People can imitate her now but not without everyone knowing. She is rad. Very very rad. Was she black? Was she white? Who knows? Sometimes I think I know but then I forget. Who cares. She was very awesome. She makes me happy. Nobody ever wrote a so t like this for me. It never happened. And it never will. But if someone did write a song like this for me when I was young I never would have become a drug addict.

Dan Tschirhart said...

Billie's voice was truly out of this world

So ahead of her time and although she fit that time to a tee...

~ I would have loved to hear her sing in a different era

Sadly she shook hands with the White Beast and drifted off into that world

But boy did she leave a beautiful, soulful mark

There are singers that just sing the words

Then ya got your singers that sing because it means something to them and they want to let the world know

Then ya got your singers that sing because they believe in it and they make you believe in it by the end of the song

Billie Holiday had that power - I believed every word