Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Peach, Plumb, Pear by Joanna Newsome

We speak in the store, I'm a sensitive bore
You seem markedly more and I'm oozing surprise
But it's late in the day and you're well on your way
What was golden went gray and I'm suddenly shy

And the gathering floozies afford to be choosy
And all sneezing darkly in the dimming divide
And I have read the right book to interpret your look
You were knocking me down with the palm of your eye

This is unlike the story, it was written to be
I was riding its back when it used to ride me
And we were galloping manic to the mouth of the source
We were swallowing panic in the face of its force

And I am blue
I am blue and unwell
Made me bolt like a horse

Now it's done
Watch it go
You've changed so
Water runs from the snow

And am I so dear?
Do I run rare?
You've changed so
Peach, plum, pear
Peach, plum


Aaron said...

It’s no fun getting old. And it happens faster than you think. One day your hair is golden. Then it’s grey. Then it’s white. Then you die. But perspective can be good. Too bad we can’t just exchange our bodies for newer models. Last night Sarah was teaching me how to do the floss dance and I actually damaged my shoulder from trying. So basically I got hurt raising my arm in the air too fast. Sad

Dan Tschirhart said...

What a drag it is getting old

I just read that being an adult is made up of three parts:

Wondering why your back hurts

Being exhausted

Looking for that thing you just had

I enjoy the little things, like when you open a door and get a twinge of pain in your arm or back

Or any amount of physical activity can leave you sore for days

Good times

As far as this song goes, I've never really liked plums, but peaches are cool

Millions of peaches, peaches for me

Pirate Aggro said...

I just read a book that said that even if we did know the shit we know now when we were young we would still be assholes because that is what the young do. I say try me. I tell you I would have got laid a lot more! And if you let the now me go back to the 1987 through 1998 me I will kick his ass and by god he will then get laid a lot more.