Wednesday, January 09, 2019

Barbara Ann by The Beach Boys

Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann (take my hand)
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
You've got me rockin' and a-rollin'
Rockin' and a-reelin'
Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Went to a dance
Looking for romance
Saw Barbara Ann
So I thought I'd take a chance
Barbara Ann, take my hand
You've got me rockin' and a-rollin'
Rockin' and a reelin'
Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann (take my hand)
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
You've got me rockin' and a-rollin'
Rockin' and a reelin'
Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Tried Betty Sue
Tried Betty Lou
Tried Mary Sue
But I knew it wouldn't do
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
You've got me rockin' and a-rollin'
Rockin' and a reelin'
Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann (take my hand)
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
You've got me rockin' and a-rollin'
Rockin' and a reelin'
Barbara Ann
Ba ba ba ba Barbara Ann
Barbara Ann, Barbara Ann
Barbara Ann, Barbara Ann
Barbara Ann, Barbara Ann


Aaron said...

Okay. Dave has been contacted and we are prepared to sue. You are fucked if you continue down this path

Dan Tschirhart said...

When I was a kid my sister recorded a Beach Boys medley off the radio that was a hit at the time

When she wasn't home, I would sneak into her room and play that medley repeatedly on the tape player

Knowing full well that if I got caught, my sister would make life very difficult for me in the near future

After listening to it quite a few times, I would rewind to this song and play it over and over

It's such a simple song, but the harmonies and the hooks are brilliant

It has always been my favorite Beach Boys song, but they have quite a few close seconds

God Only Knows, Good Vibrations, Help Me, Rhonda

I've only met one Rhonda so far, but I'm still looking

Aaron said...
