Saturday, February 02, 2019

Three Coins in the Fountain by Frank Sinatra

Three coins in the fountain,
Each one seeking happiness.
Thrown by three hopeful lovers,
Which one will the fountain bless?

Three hearts in the fountain,
Each heart longing for its home.
There they lie in the fountain
Somewhere in the heart of Rome.

Which one will the fountain bless?
Which one will the fountain bless?

Three coins in the fountain,
Through the ripples how they shine.
Just one wish will be granted,
One heart will wear a valentine.

Make it mine!
Make it mine!
Make it mine!

Three coins in the fountain,
Through the ripples how they shine.
And just one wish will be granted,
One heart will wear a valentine.

Make it mine!
Make it mine!
Make it mine! 

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Wow. What I lame song. Totally boring. This must have been recorded in his last sad days. My mom always taught me to multiply my love not divide it. I don’t see why the fountain can’t do the same. Why only one wish. Lame.